
Accident Insurance

When you train and play in matches as a registered member of the Trident Sports Club you are insured by Folksam. Details on the insurance can be obtained from your local Folksam office. The insurance, formed by Folksam in association with RF and the SCF, provides cover in association with your training, matches, and travel to and from these activities. The accident insurance covers players as well as leaders, coaches, umpires and volunteers. In addition the club will ensure that register members have extra travel insurance when teams from the club are participating in tournaments held outside Sweden. There is no insurance for friendly matches and each individual player is responsible his wellbeing as well as other club members. The club will though provide first aid assistance

Reporting an Incident 

If an injury occurs you need to report the incident to the club and contact your nearest Folksam office. To contact Folksam


Naturally you do not need to report small grazes or sprains.