Trident Sports Club is an inclusive club that welcomes all who want to play cricket and be part of a thriving local sports club in Stockholm North. The membership fees are our main source of income and vital for running the club. We expect club members to contribute through financial support, i.e membership fee and activity fee, to buy and maintain cricket gears & equipment, club apparels, tournament fees, SCF fees, club equipment and conduct social events. However, in certain circumstances, we will support players by reducing membership fees and providing help with sports equipment, especially for women members and youth (please consult with our Club Secretary). The club membership runs from 1 Jan– 31 Dec each year. Annual membership fee is a non-refundable fee in any circumstances.

New joiners, simply fill in this form from the link below and submit. After registration, drop an email to info@tridentsportsclub.com and we will take a look. Following acceptance of the application, you will be issued with a club email account for club communication, be added to clubs WhatsApp group and you will be registered at Idrottsonline (Swedish Sports Online Portal) with Trident Sports Club.

By clicking the submit button, you confirm that you have read and agree with the Trident Sports Club stadgar and Trident Sports Club rules and wish to join Trident Sports Club for the coming cricket season. Also, you understand and agree that regardless of your preference above, Trident Sports Club board has full rights to make any selections and allocate you to any team in Trident Sports Club.

How to Pay ?

Paying by online transfer to Trident Sports Club bank account is the preferred and simplest method to pay your membership & activity fee. It cuts out significant administration effort and is more secure.

Get in touch with our board members for more information